Strategy Forum with ITU/PITA Smart Islands for Pacific
From: 9 November 2022 - 11 November 2022
Venue: Holiday Inn, Suva FIJI
New!! event updates posted 06Oct22:
We are now centralising event information to their respective event microsite for the event details; click on this link immediately below to go to the PITA Event Portal and choose from there the event of interest
Also, the microsite will be a one stop point, not only for event information and to register, but to sign in and join the virtual meeting rooms and activities.
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Addressing the invisible miles and fulfilling the niche opportunities
The PITA Strategy Forum is an annual PITA event with an objective to regularly provide a platform for members and key industry players to discuss and exchange on business technology landscapes, in the continual aim to review, update, formulate and enhance strategies and solutions.
The PITA Strategy Forum 2022 theme is addressing the invisible miles and fulfilling the niche opportunities for facilitating national digital adoption. A special session is provided for advancing the concept of Smart Islands to the Pacific, with ITU.
PITA welcomes speakers and contributions to the session themes, and for stories on journeys to strengthening commitments for digital and niche opportunities, and roles.
Tentative agenda and relevant practical information are provided at the event microsite at this link Strategy Forum and ITU/PITA Smart Islands | Suva | Nov 9
Strategies may cover any aspect of the telecommunication industry, technical, business or service challenges, gaps and needs1, and, including new opportunities. To reimagine, mitigate, innovate, implement, and readiness in any of those areas. Proposals are welcome by using the wiki form below
1 includes policy and regulatory
Smart Islands will be a collection and exchange of smart island concepts and case studies, ideas, and practical proposals for implementing smart island concepts into any Pacific Island economy. ITU regional office is supporting and to facilitate this program
Sponsor Opportunities
Sponsor opportunities exist to enhance and to promote the support and presence of any member, whilst also helping PITA in defraying costs to bring about facilities to enhance the opportunities and experience of the event. Become a sponsor of the following
Details and the form to Become a Sponsor is available upon clicking here
Note that there would associated activities held prior to this Strategy Forum and Smart Islands hackathon as shown in the table below. All are also welcome to join them by registering accordingly; i.e. for the Telecoms Legal, Finance & Regulatory dialogue conference event. [here]

Registration, Agenda and Event detail information is available at the event microsite as below.