Telecoms Legal, Finance, Regulatory dialogue conference
From: 7 November 2022 - 8 November 2022
Venue: Holiday Inn, Suva FIJI
New!! event updates posted 06Oct22:
We are now centralising event information to their respective event microsite for the event details; click on this link immediately below to go to the PITA Event Portal and choose from there the event of interest
Also, the microsite will be a one stop point, not only for event information and to register, but to sign in and join the virtual meeting rooms and activities.
Older posts
We are happy to confirm contents of these topical sessions fore running the PITA Strategy Forum and ITU/PITA Smart Islands for Pacific
Agenda – click here to view the tentative agenda printout
Table 1.0: Activities during the week of focus.

Dates: Nov 07-08, 2022
To Register and Access to the Event Microsite
The event microsite is the unified platform for the event information, to register, and also for the Hybrid delivery of all the sessions. All participants are required to register for the online and in person access to the event.
Click here to access the Event Microsite
For any assistance or questions, contact the PITA Manager