Capacity translates visions into reality
it makes Leaders and experts of persons and organisations
Scroll further below for list of Training Courses by ITU Academy/CoE and APNIC Academy
External Programs complement I Academies
PITA will not compete or duplicate training and capacity programs available from other organisations*, but would recommend them to members. Accreditation benefits may be achieved from academies offering relevant cross credit or ladder programs for the telecommunication sector industries
PITA may also request replication with customisation for its members on a collective or individual member basis. and or form partnerships for developing new programs for the special Pacific Islands needs.
* ITU CoE &, Academy, APNIC Academy, University of the South Pacific, and more
PITA work programs
With the assistance of relevant key personnel and managers from member organisations, and at their request, PITA will organise capacity building programs, and industry workshops, training at any time of the year to help members address their capacity gaps, to addressing specific issues, incidents or emergency, or to implement a required transformation, to facilitate the needed competency, skillsets and knowledge base at different levels of the organisation. Such programs complement PITA annual work programs.
Held twice a year at June/July and November/December, PITA with the PacNOG Coordinating Partners1 organise and hold a PacNOG Educational conference and hands-on training for the Internet Networking engineers from Pacific Island countries. These programs are included in the annual work plans.
1 APNIC, ICANN, NSRC and PITA; and at special times ITU and other parties putting in their support at different times
TCDC – Learning from peers I Exchange
PITA supports member exchange program under its TCDC* initiative to fund technical exchange of experts, or study attachments and visits in the member countries. Such programs are very cost effective, very practical, and a means to accelerate implementing a solution from the successful experience and learnings from members. *
TCDC assistance is open to all Full Members
*Technical Assistance for Developing Countries
PITA Academy
While already providing specialised courses in the annual work plans, academy and cloud based concepts to help formalise new courses have been raised and discussed in PITA forums with the exploration to continue with the collaboration of industry technology members, partner academies and training suppliers, as well as all members. Courses that are developed for this mainly cover industry specific topics and needs, as well as essential soft skills areas lacking with members. Some examples include, Mobile Roaming, Fraud & Revenue Assurance, QoS/QoE engineering, Leadership course, Business Continuity, Network Planning & Resilience, and many others.
APNIC Academy Online Course
APNIC provides internet networking courses and has a list of self paced courses as well as scheduled online training and live webinars: Click here APNIC Academy / Online Courses to view them
PacNOG 33: Workshops: RISO + NMM
24 – 28 June 2024; Guam Link to event
PacNOG 32: Advanced BGP/RISO and Practical Cybsersecurity workshops
27 Nov – 01 Dec 2023; Nukuálofa, Tonga. Refer to Upcoming Events page
PacNOG 32: Advanced BGP/RISO and Practical Cyber Security Workshops
27 Nov-01 Dec 2023, Tonga I Refer to Upcoming Events page
PacNOG 31: Basic Routing and Practical Cybersecurity workshops
26-30 June 2023, Port Vila Vanuatu
PacNOG 30: with Advanced BGP and Practical Cyber Security workshops
Date: 08 to 12 August 2022
ITU Academy / Centre of Excellence online: List of courses
Refer below for the list of ITU online training programs with invites extended to PITA members:
eLearning course on Security and QoS in Internet network
19-26 August, 2024. I Course Outline I Invite and Registration
*Old; earlier training which are now done and closed
eLearning Course on QoS Technologies and Regulation for Fixed and Mobile
21-28 August 2023 I Get in Touch for more information
Online training course on Cloud Computing-Based Government Innovation:
03-31 October 2022. I Course Outline I Invite and registration
Invitation to COE Training on Converged Core Network: Route to Un-Explored Opportunities:
26 September – 7 October 2022 I Course Outline I Invite Letter & Registration
elearning course on QoS Technologies and Regulation for Fixed and Mobile
26 September – 3 October 2022 I Course Outline I Invite & Registration
eLearning course on Technical, business and regulatory aspects of 5G networks
22 – 29 August 2022 I Course Outline I Registration I Invite Letter
Online training course on Spectrum Management & Spectrum Engineering Techniques:
25 July – 7 August
Online training course on Next Generation Broadband: Standards and Applications
Date: 11 – 22 July 2022. Registrations closed
Online training course on Fifth Generation (5G) Implementation: Practices and Case Studies:
Date: 27 June to 03 July 2022
Online training course on The Development of Industrial Internet
Date:13-25 June 2022.