
From 9 founding member signatories, PITA has grown its membership and popularity over the years since inception back in 1997.

Average count of members over the recent years comes to 140 members from 22 Pacific Island states including NZ and Australia and several other countries from other regions, Asia, Middle East, Europe, and the US

List of Members

PITA financial members comprise of three categories. Click on the categories below to view the list

  • Non Financial members include organisations that enter into a MoU with PITA, or organisations that partner with PITA for common goals (Development Partner). Refer to the section -About Us- for the list of such organisations.
  • There is no member category for individual person

Who Can Become a Member?
PITA Members are telecommunication entities in Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia and Australia and New Zealand.
PITA Associate Members are suppliers of telecommunication equipment or services, regional and international organisations.
Government Telecommunication Regulatory bodies have a special membership category.


  • PITA coordinates meetings/seminars and workshop for its members in the region and maintains a forum for networking and business development for its members throughout the region.
  • Training for members
  • Technical Cooperation between Developing Countries Assistance

Costs and Registration Details

Membership CategoryMembership Fee (Fiji Dollars)
MembersF$2,800 per annum
Associate MembersF$2,500 per annum
Government / Regulatory BodyF$500 per annum

The joining fee is a one-time payment required upon joining. The amount varies based on the size or number of employees in the applying organization. This fee also serves as the membership subscription fee for the first year. From the second year onwards, the annual subscription fee, as specified in the table above, applies.
For organizations in the bottom tier (with 100 or fewer employees), the joining fee is equal to the annual subscription fee indicated in the table.

Download Membership Form